Count down to SPRING 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Snow Art and For the Birds Nov 15, 2014


Oh today it was cold. Today we had a few snowflurries in the area. I even saw one or two while I was outside. Last week, when the last warm temperatures made their last stand I went out side and placed the Christmas lights in the trees around our home. Lou came out later in the afternoon and hung the icicle lights across our garage entry door, and the garage door. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

When I came in later on to warm fingers and toes I found some of Mum's older quilting and Ladies Magazines. With coffee in hand I started to look through the several copies I had in front of me.

On one particular page I found two really cut, and interesting pieces of I would like to share these with you.

When I was a little girl, how many times can I remember that Mum bundled Driscilla (my sister) and myself into our winter snowsuits. How many times as she got us totally dressed did we remember we had to make a stop before going out. If you have children in your past, I know you will relate to that removal of all coats, boots, hats, mittens and scarves. The deed done, it was time to bundle us up we went to be joined by our Mum once she was completely suited up to join us.

Let the fun begin......remember that art of Snow Angels? What little child, who lives in the vicinity of snow, hasn't gone out into the world of white make believe and made her very own Angel? Once the fun was over, and we were freezing cold, and totally wet through to the skin, in we came again with bright, pink, rosy cheeks.

Oh those were the days. Wonder now if I got down into the white stuff, would I ever be able to get up again? Time might tell.

Coming back into this moment and remembering that as I was stringing up the lights I heard and saw the oh, so familial sight and sounds of the Canadian Geese flying overhead in the famous “V” formation.....yes,,,,our feather friends are beginning the long trek southward to warmer climate. But, this also gave me pause for questioning.......what happened to the little feather friends who rough it out in this cold weather with us human souls? Ask a question, get an answer......wouldn't you know it, right there beside the Snow Art feature I saw and read: FOR THE BIRDS.

I think this is a really neat treat for the birds, and I believe that this winter will find several hanging from the branches of our Japanese Red Maple by the front steps. Imagine the fun I will have this winter watching the little birds getting some good food to sustain them over the months.......hummmm I'm also wondering about the neighbourhood squirrels. They seem to feel they own everything edible in this area. I'll keep my camera handy and maybe have some updates to share with you.

Enjoy the winter friends, that is exactly what I hope to do myself.

Nov 15, 2014

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