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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2010 May 18 A Walk Along White Sandy Beach in Ontario

2010 May 18 A Walk Along White Sandy Beach in Ontario.

Today we (Lou and I) walked along the beach at Port Franks, Ont.....I just had to take a picture of this driftwood. Here we have something that nature has somehow allowed to finish it's life as a tree. Perhaps it has spent years here on the shores, rotting and yet providing a source of ground cover that the sand has dug it's little toes into. Something that has taken the growing path for itself, and now has become the stabilizer for another plant in years to come.

Isn't this a bit like our own lives....first we are here, we live each day growing and doing the best that we can for our living environment. I like to think that somewhere down my lifeline I'll be able to take parts of this life of mine and somehow be there for another reason once I am ready for a change in my own world.

The wind today was wild along the shoreline. The sand was warm and soft on the bottom of my little bare feet. Scattered along the shoreline I found remains of clam shells, pieces of small driftwood, dunes or bluffs that reached from the water's edge up towards the sky. The life along the shore line is difficult. The trees or scrubs in the area are small and stunted from their daily fight with the wind as it blows towards the land. But all around Lou and I felt life. Life in the beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds. Rainbow colours in the shell remnants that lie all over the water and sand line. Tons of gifts from nature that all we needed to do was look through the eye of the camera to explore and then with a snap of the shutter were able to freeze in a picture and keep in our minds.

Maybe one day we will all walk along this shoreline together and just listen to the wind in the trees. Feel the sun on our heads, and the soft sand beneath our feet. As I was there quietly watching the waves I gave thanks to my Higher Power for the friends I have here on line, in my daily life, and yet, even more the loved ones that have gone on before me (like that tree in the sand) and know/feel enjoy the gifts they have given me, and allowed me to discover on my own in my walk though my own life.

1 comment:

Lola's Blog Spot said...

That was beautifu, here's a new job for you, You should write a book, your good Dee. That is one of my favorite things, walking the beach and feeling the warm sand. :-) Thanks for sharing.

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