Count down to SPRING 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25 2014 A miracle of nature....

April 25 2014
A miracle of nature....

This is the little creek that runs through our little village.  It is spring time here now. The fish were coming up stream back to their spawning grounds for a few days.

The most amazing sight happened two days ago when my hubby and I were out for our daily walk.

We looked down into the very swiftly flowing water and we saw about 30 fish between 10 and 13" long swimming in little groups between the waterfall above and the shadow of the bridge across the road, which we were standing on looking over into the depth of the water.
As we watched we saw the nautical struggle to get upstream, fighting a strong current.....they would swim up so far and then becoming tired from this struggle float backwards with the current...back under the bridge.

Each time they got a little bit closer, and the little band of swimmers drew closer and closer together, forming a stronger knot of bodies.  We watched, and we were rewarded. A particular band of 4 fish came right up to the rock....see the large grey one on the left side of the top of the photo....well, just to the right of that rock there was a branch of the creek that was deeper and the fish kept squeezing one of their members until suddenly with a huge struggle, several body flips, a tail going so fast it was propelled into the deeper pool at the top (the spot showing smooth water).  He seemed to wait by the rocks for a few seconds. I'm not sure if he was getting back some strength or if he was waiting for one of his buddy fish to join him......finally away he went. See the photo below shows you he is now over one rough spot in life and has gone on to start many other lives.

It really felt like seeing a miracle of nature. I never would have believed these small creatures of God would work so hard, and so hard together to help each other.

Today, the day after this spawning time, we walked past the same area. Do you know. There wasn't a fish to be seen. It is as if with that last jump we witnessed the school of fish turned around and swam away. I guess they had enough of this game or struggle and called it a day.

April 25 2014 7:15 pm

Friday, April 4, 2014

Is today really a bad hair day?

Apr 4 2014   Is Today really a "Bad Hair Day?????"

And today is a day I can only shake my head at and laugh.
What a day.....aching knees (yes, Dr. said you have arthritis) kidding has been cloudy, grey day and expecting a rainy, windy it is April....what else do you expect? May flowers??????  No, not yet, but stay tuned for next month.
The road muck has made a mess of our little white car......well, don't complain it isn't something you have to sweep out of the garage in a few days....Idea!!!!! Leave the car in the driveway and let Mother Nature give it a bath.

Oh the day is better already.  Yes,
Sometimes it helps me to get things straight in my head when I stop moaning (what's that? I have a new name.....MONA!!!!) and see where this day I've been given is taking me.

I have a great daughter who called me from her cell phone during a long drive to catch me up on her medical status....and her good news......and life in general......yes, she was using her hands free equipment while she drove......

I have a wonderful husband who drove through the rainy day and played upbeat music for us...and we even sang a few lines together. He treated me to a nice late lunch or early supper so I could come home and do computer things, or crafty things.  Whooohooo! no meals to prepare tonight.  :)

I have friends who call me on the phone to chit chat away, and others who send out wonderful emails.
I have my quilting times, my new craft making Temari balls (go to my Diamond Days Blog to see my first effort if you wish), and a lovely newly refinished playroom called The Creative Quilter's Room.....which reminds me I'd better stop this chit chat and go get some work started, or finished, depending on that which I choose to do.

Don't go away, I'll be back another day.....
Apr 4 2014

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