Count down to SPRING 2014

Friday, January 1, 2010

Finished Quilt 12.31.09 Jolly Holly Days

Dec 30 09
The two year project is as finished as I can make it today. The binding is in place...and ready for the finishing stitches which Mum and I will work together at during our visit in a few weeks time.

I hope the next picture you see in this blog will be with my friend loves snowpeople. This little project (which took almost 2 years in and out) will be a gift of love for the many times SHE has been there for us over the past many years since I met her in 1980's. She began as a friend when I went to her for cosmetic reasons. I didn't know at the time she lived across the road from my sister's family. Through our mutual chats during appointments it became obvious we were talking about the same people, namely, my sister, bro-in-law and niece/nephew. Finally, as "they" say we connected the dots....and there was my friend of all these years now my family's neighbour. Goes to show you what a small, small, world we live in...... I am adding this pic here now because shortly after displaying with her picture I will be removing the jig saw puzzle of this finished challenge I gave myself.

It has been so much fun learning a new quilt as you go technique...and adding borders in the same I can just enjoy the fun of sharing.

Jolly Holly Days

Dec 30 09
The two year project is as finished as I can make it today. The binding is in place...and ready for the finishing stitches which Mum and I will work together at during our visit in a few weeks time.

I hope the next picture you see in this blog will be with my friend loves snowpeople. This little project (which took almost 2 years in and out) will be a gift of love for the many times SHE has been there for us over the past many years since I met her in 1980's. She began as a friend when I went to her for cosmetic reasons. I didn't know at the time she lived across the road from my sister's family. Through our mutual chats during appointments it became obvious we were talking about the same people, namely, my sister, bro-in-law and niece/nephew. Finally, as "they" say we connected the dots....and there was my friend of all these years now my family's neighbour. Goes to show you what a small, small, world we live in...... I am adding this pic here now because shortly after displaying with her picture I will be removing the jig saw puzzle of this finished challenge I gave myself.

It has been so much fun learning a new quilt as you go technique...and adding borders in the same I can just enjoy the fun of sharing.

Storms and Peace

Oh my in one of my online groups I was reintroduced to a saying that I had "label" printed onto my monitor at work, at home, and in my car (the bright red Intrepid I owned at the time). I would now like to put it here in my blog so I don't ever lose it again......I hope that any of you might adopt it also and remember that life comes in is the stormy ones that make us strong, and help us sail forth.

So please enjoy with me this thought.............
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain...

Happy New Year to all my family and dear friends who come here to visit with me from time to time. Life is a bowl of cherries....let's not always be finding the pits!!!!

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